

Friday, August 9, 2019

What impact will new US #sanctions have on #Venezuela's August crude exports? | S&P Global Platts

#PDVSA plans to export 680,000 b/d of crude in August, of which just 43,000 b/d is going to a company with a waiver from the US government, Sweden's Nynas, according to a PDVSA document seen by S&P Global Platts.

That leaves 637,000 b/d of crude exports that could be impacted if buyers are deterred by the US sanctions.

"If US sanctions were extended they could impact 95% of the crude exports planned for August," said the PDVSA official 

See the whole story  on S&P Platts here: https://www.spglobal.com/platts/online:en/market-insights/latest-news/oil/080719-what-impact-will-new-us-sanctions-have-on-venezuelas-august-crude-exports


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